Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Where we are now.

Well, I cannot believe I have let this slide for so long.  My baby girl is now almost 9 months old and happily crawling around.  The hubby and I have been loving parenthood.  We have been blessed with a happy little thing who would rather smile than cry.  How has motherhood changed me?  Not as much as you might think.  I don't know how to explain how I feel but it is almost as though she has always been a part of me.  Now she is just on the outside and able to interact.

I think a lot of the reason I did not keep up with this is that my post pregnancy recovery took forever!  My family doctor is a great man but like most people in my life tends to think that every issue I have is due to weight and the ultimate suggestion is always "lose weight".  Well, yeah ok but how am I supposed to do that when I can barely walk around.

Let me back up.  The actual c-section went pretty smoothly.  The anaesthesiologist determined that, because of my weight, I would have to have the surgery done in the main operating room of the hospital rather than on the maternity ward.  The main problem with that is that I would have to go to the large recovery room meaning no time spent with the baby in those all important first hours.  I was unhappy about that decision but I just wanted to get things moving and there was nothing I could say that would change her mind so why bother.

I was shocked to learn I had a girl.  I was expecting a boy.  We had a few minutes and then baby and husband were both whisked away to the nursery.  The only really bad experience was learning that a "friend" of mine who works in the hospital had snuck in and seen the baby.  I had made it very well known that no one should see that baby before I did.  The only person who had a reason to be with her was my husband.  Needless to say that friendship is over.  I won't go into details as it still upsets me.

The recovery from the surgery went really well.  Seriously, I had the good drugs at home for the first three weeks so pain was not an issue.  The day we got home I was able to go up the stairs normally which I had not been able to do in months due to the pain in my hips.  It was only after the drugs wore off that I realised that pain was still with me.  I went to my family doctor about it and he just advised me to lose weight and walk a lot.  Hard to do when walking any distance causes such pain. 

When I started this blog I promised to be honest so here comes the honest bit.  The chocolate muffin I ate every morning with my cup of tea probably did not help either. 

That pain slowly eased and by 7 months and one week I was confident in telling my husband that I was fully recovered from the pregnancy.  Then the knee and back pain came!  Sheesh will this never end??? 

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